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  • Laica1.jpg
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  • Laica3.jpg
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About me

Christiane und Finja

My name is Christiane Fiedler

Since I was a child I loved dogs and I had the feeling that they loved me too.

They came to me running, wagging their tail and let me tickle and pet them, there were even some that fell asleep right on my feet.

But I never could own a dog myself.

So I began to earn money as a dog keeper. There were lots of dogs in my life, the smallest ones were Shelties and the biggest ones Irish Setter and in between there were many breeds and mixed breeds.

After I studied Singing I could at last give my own dog a home! My stile of life was allowing me to have my own dog, so I went to a rescue centre and adopted Laica!

I thought I read all books available at this time, so I didn't want to go to a dog training school or a dog trainer. I had my own plans how to build up a good realtionship with Laica.

But my neighbour had persuaded me to join her club and to go to the puppy classes at the PHV Karlsruhe. After a hard start for us both we settled down in this classes and went further on with the higher classes.

Then the training job for the puppy class went vacant and I was sent to courses and became a puppy trainer in my club. I really loved the job and Laica helped me and was there when the little ones startet fighting or went rough.

My real job though didn't allow me to have classes on a regular base any more, so I had to resign from the club and moved to the countryside.

In the time as a puppy trainer my trainer recomended a book to me which fully changed the life of Laica and me! It was The Dog Listener by Jan Fennell.

I devoured the book and started immediately with what I learned as good as possible. It went very well with Laica and every missunderstanding between us was deleted!

We became a super team!

Laica died on 1st April in 2014.

Laica Spruch

A good dog never dies. He always stays. He walks besides you on crisp autumn days when frost is on the fields and winter's drawing near. His head is within our hand in his old way.

Mary Carolyn Davies

My partner and I met our new dog by fortunate coincidence. It was Finja. She lived with a foster family in our village and we adopted her and every thing went well until she started to take the lead!

We tried everything, read some books and tried this and that. And finally Jan Fennell's book came into my mind, right befor everything came to the worst!

I again devoured the book and started to use the method, my partner also. And it went well, but I had the feeling that we needed some more advice. Also my interest in Jan Fennell and her work started to grow deeper and deeper and we decided to go to England and join the courses led by Jan!

We really enjoied the time with her! We learned a lot and got new insights about dogs and many other things.

At home we immediately started to implement everything we learned and our team — including my partner, me and Finja — grew together ones more!

This was the beginning of my journey as a Dog Listener and after a long and intensive learning periode I am now officially a Dog Listener by Jan Fennell which makes me able to eliminate all non-medical behavioural problems — even those of your dog!


I'm a proud member of Jan Fennell's Quality Assurance System and listed as Approved Preliminary Associate Dog Listener.

Together we can solve your problems! Please contact me for further information!


In order to really enjoy a dog, one doesn't merely try to train him to be semi-human. The point of it is to open oneself to the possibility of becoming partly a dog.

Edward Hoagland

FaLang translation system by Faboba

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